Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Newest Obsessions

As a result of Annie's newest desire to give people hats & touch their eyes, I thought it would be good to bring out the Mr. Potato Head (as well as the slightly different Elmo version). Consequently, this has become Annie's very favorite activity!
Here she pauses to show her very first Mr. Potato Head that she designed herself! And her face is very significant, too. It's the face she gives when she expects the flash to go off. Ha!
And her newest favorite thing to carry around? What she calls "Elmo's Eyes"! ; ) It's actually just a simple eye accessory from Mr. Potato Head. ; )
And Leia's favorite new obsession? Her Webkinz pet bunny named "Sarah." ; ) (Webkinz are these little pets with a computer code you can use to bring them to life in a virtual world with their own room and games and everything.) I have NO idea what sparked this renewed interest. She received this bunny from Santa at Christmas and NEVER asked to activate it on the computer until now. But these days she talks about her bunny "Sarah" at every waking moment. ; ) (Our trip to Florida would put that to an abrupt stop, for some reason. Ah, childhood fads.) The worst part about the Webkinz? Leia can't really do it herself, so Mamma has to come over and read certain things to help. *sigh*

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