Friday, June 20, 2008

Sisters at the Beach

Here are the girls and I reading "Sun, Sand, & Sea" before our beach trip together. It's our very special Florida Beach book! Each time we went to the beach, I could be heard reciting at least one of the lines, . . . the most common being, "Sand in our bellybuttons, sand in our pants, we jump in the water and we dance, dance, dance!"
The final evening after camp we finally got to take Leia Rose to the beach! She was really excited! But just LOOK at the difference in the color of the water at the exact same beach on a cloudy day (vs. the previous sunny day)! And also, the company at the beach was a LOT more questionable, . . . definitely more of a night club crowd full of surfers and crazy fat ethnic men rolling about like beached whales. Quite honestly, I didn't feel safe, so we left as soon as the closest storm was about to hit.
But look at Leia Rose riding the waves! No one was more in shock than I was about this!!! Now we have a girl who LOVES the water! Hooray!
And here is Annie's face every single time she'd get some salt water near her mouth. Ha! And THIS child was, perhaps, more of a daredevil than Leia Rose today, . . . tippie-towing as deep as she could while still able to breathe, allowing the waves to lift her off of her feet now and again. It made Mamma REALLY nervous. And, yep, she did go under more than once (quite happily, I might add) coming up each time to say "m okay!" ; )

And here was something funny, . . . Annie was quite upset about being buckled into her five-point harness, . . . so Oma was singing to her. And Annie quite adamantly told her to stop by saying, "NO!" This was REALLY funny because, when I was little, I was known for telling Oma "you sing like concrete." Ha! I guess Annie thought so, too! Poor Oma! ; )

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