Monday, June 23, 2008

Two Pool Playdates

This week we were blessed to have two pool playdates with some of Leia's and Annie's friends. First it was off to the Southern Village Pool with the McNeils. Colin and Leia Rose had a BLAST swimming under toward each other under the water with their goggles on! (Annie was home with Daddy on this playdate.)
Just look at how Leia Rose loves being submerged now!!! (Leia's favorite part of the playdate would be time with me in the deep end when it was only the two of us. I spent an hour or two just swimming with Leia Rose and teaching her to jump off of my knee and throwing her up into the air with a big "splashdown." It was SO much fun!)
Then there was a playdate at Chloe's and Mia's pool next door. This is the first time we have ever been in their pool and it was SOOOO nice! (Well, except for the honeybees that kept stinging me. Ha!)
I'm afraid it was Annie who was grumpy at Chloe's pool. Any time she feels like she's not in control (when she's in my arms, being held on to, in a baby float, etc.) she whines. But this little float seemed to work wonders for her! For some reason, she felt in control.

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