Friday, June 13, 2008

Plane Trip to Florida

Here is Leia Rose giving in her very first plane ticket! (The last time she was on a plane, she was only one year old, . . . and wasn't a ticketed passenger.)
And, of course, this was Annie's very first plane flight!
Ah, and then the mindless entertainment started. : ) There are a lot fewer antsy babies on flights now that there is a TV (with kid shows) on the back of every seat!!! We didn't use this for the whole flight, of course. But a couple of shows on a 2 1/2 hour flight was a nice respite for Mamma!
And we didn't even need to use the portable DVD player!
And I just HAD to take a picture of this. The very first animal cracker we took out of the package, whether on the plane or at the beach, . . . was a rhino!!! Ha! How appropriate (because Annie will always be my little rhino)! ; )
Leia Rose was AMAZED that she could see the beach from the plane! Something fascinated her about being able to see where the land met the ocean from high above!
And it was so wonderful to see both girls cling to Oma and Papa so very quickly!!! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Glad it went well!!

But you "of course" didn't have them watch videos the whole time???? I sure would have!!! ;) ha.