Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Weekend with Shenandoah

This weekend the girls and I took the most-anticipated trip to Richmond to visit Shenandoah Worrel!!! (Leia, of course, had been looking forward to this for MONTHS!)
Leia Rose had lots of homemade gifts for Shenan, . . . and Leia especially had fun showing Shenan the "Shenandoah Robot." : )
And here is the picture before going to the pool for another red-letter tantrum courtesy of Annie. I swear, both of my WORST experiences with Annie have been at this pool! I'm not quite sure why, except to say that Annie breaks down when she's tired (AKA before her nap), and that is when we have always attempted to go to the pool. And with all of us wanting to stay longer, . . . and with me having nowhere to escape (because we walked there) it always ends in disaster. *sigh* Oh well, I told Laura that it takes a true friend to see us at our worst! And she certainly has!!! ; )
And, yes, there were a lot of projects this weekend. (Can this child nix the projects for just a day or two?!? For goodness sake!!!) Honestly, though, isn't this a spectacular origami kitty?
And the highlight of the trip? Watching Empire Strikes Back with Shenandoah!!! These girls have such a strong bond over Star Wars, you just wouldn't believe it!
And here is Leia Rose's "Wampa" cuddle. Ha! (But I caught Shenandoah only peeking at the screen at that part as well. Ha!)
Shenandoah is such a tenderhearted soul! She was so very concerned when the movie didn't end with everything being resolved. : ) (If you remember, Han Solo is still frozen in carbonite and Luke is hurt from having his hand chopped off.) She kept asking if everyone was going to be okay. : ) Leia, however, was not really concerned. For her, the more light saber fighting, the better! (But, um, skip the wampa monster, please. Ha!) ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

How funny about the different reactions! :)