Saturday, June 14, 2008

"See the osee!" ("See the ocean!")

We have been doing lots of reading "Sea, Sand, & Me" over the previous weeks to prepare Annie for seeing the ocean for the first time. But, um, this is just the little pool that Oma bought for the girls, . . . and Annie thought it was the ocean for most of the trip! Ha! She kept coming up to Oma and saying, "See the osee! See the osee! See the osee, Oma! See the osee!" (See video at bottom.) It was so cute!
And the girls favorite thing to do in the "osee" was to hold hands and jump!
And I thought our little footprints together on the porch was so cute, I took a picture. : )
Ah, this was another common scene: the girls having a bath in the "osee." ; ) Often it was just easier than giving them a shower upstairs.

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