Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Immaculata Christmas Pagaent 2008

The girls just looked so pretty right before the Christmas Pageant that I had to take a picture of them in front of the tree. : )

And Annie's fascination throughout the whole thing: my Christmas bracelet (as well as singing "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"). Gosh, it's just so cute when Annie sees a reindeer and immediately says, "Look! Raineers! Raineers!" and even cuter when she sings along to the song (which I appropriately caught on video while filming Leia)!
And I just had to go over and take a photo of Leia's class sitting together and getting ready for their performance in the Angel Choir. Here is Leia Rose smiling with her friend Logan. But what was really funny to me about this is how every kid here was in constant motion. It was like trying to confine wiggle worms to one spot. I turned to Mrs. Quarles and Mrs. Drajan and said, "I don't know HOW you keep all these kids still at Mass on Fridays!" Everyone laughed.
And I finally got a picture of Leia Rose and her "best school friend," Elizabeth. : )
It was the little preschool kids who were in a very precious nativity scene (complete with the top of the stable toppling over and everything). So cute!
And then came our shining star right out front in the middle with her sparkly "ruby slippers" that she spent the first few minutes tap-tapping away with. And for some reason Leia Rose decides that, whenever she's on stage, that she wants to try to converse with me in the audience. And then, suddenly, she was in her own little zone when she was the only one not doing the motions for "Up on the Housetop." Ha! So cute!
Leia Rose was just loving this whole thing! Funny story: for some reason, Leia Rose thought it would be fun to cross her eyes during most of the performance. Ha! And then, by the end, it was obvious that she needed to go to the bathroom. *sigh* But no matter what, Leia shined up there. Just shined. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, Leia IS our beautiful shining star! I so wish I could have been there. Love - Mom