Sunday, June 22, 2008

Back from Vietnam!

And here is the Faulkner Family -1: Steve, Karin, Kien, & Kevin (the only little soul missing now is Aria, . . . who will momentarily join them, I'm sure). What an international experience they had in adopting little Kien from Vietnam and truly living in the country over the course of a couple of weeks, . . . complete with viewing real scenes that looked plucked from a National Geographic magazine AND complete with being pickpocketed followed by a movie-worthy chase scene!
And I was FLOORED by how Kevin's face lit up when he saw his little brother for the first time. I've known Kevin for a long time, and I've NEVER seen his face so aglow with love.

And I couldn't complete this post without putting this picture in there too, . . . because at least Steve & Karin got to bond with Aria as well for a while at the orphanage (her face is turned away purposely in order to protect her identity before she is officially adopted).


BUT here is the most astounding thing. Moments after Kien was first placed in Karin's arms for the first time, these next two pictures were taken (the first while still in the orphanage):

BUT after only a few DAYS of being in the loving Faulkner family (and out of a communist institution) just LOOK at how Kien's face is no longer expressionless, . . . but FULL of life, expression, and happiness! These next pictures say it ALL:

Sometimes when you are with a child day-to-day, these type of details don't really jump out at you, you know. So, I have to ask, . . . Karin, did you NOTICE how this child changed into a beacon of light just DAYS after your care began?!? The difference was just so OBVIOUS to me!
And just look at this FABULOUS souvenir that Karin brought back for me from Vietnam!!! It's a little girl figurine that's hand painted!!! And, I have NO idea how she knew, but it fits PERFECTLY on one of the long spaces of my miniature shelf (the ones that are always SO hard to fill)! Thank you Karin! Now I have a lasting memory of the Faulkner twins adoption! : )


Karin said...

I'm a little late at seeing this!!!! ;) Sooo cool!!!! Thanks for posting about us!!! And ya know -- I hadn't really noticed the difference in pictures until you pointed it out to me near the end of our stay in Hanoi.

Karin said...

So cool that it fits so well!! I was worried that it would be too tall. :)