Friday, July 11, 2008

Ice Cream!

You would think that eating an ice cream cone would come naturally to little kids. It doesn't! This came as such a surprise to me today, . . . who thought she came totally prepared even with a nice, clean, wet towel and a change of clothes for Annie. But I WASN'T prepared for a screaming fit of Annie rolling around on the front porch of Maple View Farm as I tried to give her this cone-shaped thing full of messy ice cream with no spoon! (Didn't she understand that we were trying to have a fun picture taking experience here?) ; ) Ha! And I ALSO wasn't prepared to eat my own cone while trying to help Annie eat hers. Ha! AND I also didn't realize it was ME who would need a change of clothes! Ha!
Annie finally "got it," but only after much frustration & crying. ; )
And through it all, this is how Annie preferred to eat her ice cream: with a spoon. Why? Because that's the way we have always given it to her in the past, . . . to try and keep her clean. Ha! And this is also how I was forced to "help" Annie! With my own cone between my legs. ; )
Just look at my hands, legs, shoes, and toes!!!! I still had brown toes, even when I got home! (Those darn holey crocs!) ; )
But all-in-all Annie loved the ice cream and was a VERY happy camper after she got to eat some of it without frustration. ; )

And, ironically, she liked my banana ice cream even better than her chocolate. It would have been a lot less messy too . . .
And here is the final result until . . .
Ta-Da! Annie is magically cleaned and changed and playing on the hay bail! ; )
And Leia had lots of fun jumping too, . . . that is when the "boys" weren't around. I can just see that "ick, yucky boys" stage coming on. ; )
And just look at my clean little Leia Rose who didn't get a drop of chocolate ice cream on herself! In truth, she only needed one napkin to wipe her mouth when she was done! What a girl!!! : )


Karin said...

Wow! You're brave! I have NEVER given a cone to Kevin before!!!! ;)

And funny about the Crocs - because Kevin spilled an Orange Julius (sample cup) on Steve today & it went in the holes of his Crocs too. ;)

AND... the clean pic of Annie... I thought it was Leia!!!!

Anonymous said...

Karin is right. Annie does look like Leia! I thought that too! And hurray that she had chocolate to make better pictures of this event!