Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Annie's Gray Tooth

You probably remember this tragedy from last month:
. . . Annie was happily dancing (before her bedtime when she's always the most tired and very clumsy as a result) . . . and did what the dentist called a "face plant" right down onto our wood floor. The crying only lasted for a minute or so. There was some blood on the front of her mouth, but no teeth had been moved at all, . . . and in fact, we didn't even THINK about any tooth trauma (in that her lips were totally protecting her teeth). (And even if we did think of it, there wouldn't have been anything we could have done about it anyway.) So, nobody's fault. Just one of those things. Another toddlerhood common occurrence. And with all of my safety-infractions, . . . it is a total accident that causes a problem! For goodness sake!
And here is the result. My poor little gray-toothed sweetie! : ( I noticed this on this very morning and called Dr. Robert (our new pediatric dentist) right away. They had an opening at 2. We booked it. But this is where Mamma started hysterically crying. Why? Was it because my child had a gray tooth? No. Was it because she new a fall caused this issue? No. Was it because she wished she had noticed the tooth sooner? No. It was because I always try SO hard to prepare my girls for things like dentist appointments and doctors appointments and first days of school, etc. etc. We read books. We do activities. We watch shows. We talk about it. We get as prepared as we can get. But NOW, within a span of a couple of hours Mamma noticed the tooth, knew there was a problem that would require some serious dental work, called the dentist, and made the appointment (the latter of which was during Annie's nap, which would last right up until it was time to go).
And so (see next post) . . . .

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