Monday, November 10, 2008

Fall Leaves & Leaf Sledding (!?!)

Yes, it was already twilight and, yes, dinner was already cooking on the stove, . . . but we just HAD to go out and enjoy the fall leaves this evening, . . . and I was SO proud of myself for being spontaneous, . . . and having FUN being spontaneous!
Yet another picture/expression that I just LOVE! Annie's just not quite sure how she feels about a leaf being on her head. ; )
Our main activity this evening was to jump off a stump in our side yard into a big pile of leaves! The girls had such fun!

And on another fall day we went out again & tried a new sport: Leaf Sledding!!! This was SO much fun! We have this little hill right by the campfire surround in our side yard, . . . and I just thought we could give this a try, . . . it was AWESOME! Annie, however, was a bit afraid, . . . and come to think of it, she's a bit afraid of ladybugs and grasshoppers too (but why the heck not bumblebees?!?). ; )

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