Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Blessing of Sisters

The girls have been playing SO nicely together these days! Annie is now really old enough now to participate in some real Leia-oriented games, . . . so the girls are having a BLAST! : ) One of their favorite game is to play puppet show behind the chair. The puppets request certain food items and Annie gives them the requested items. And Annie laughs REALLY hard when a non-requested item is spit out forcefully! : )
The girls have also rediscovered the doll stroller (although they're not using it in its intended way)! Ha! The girls have such fun taking turns giving each other rides.

And this was a really precious moment I caught the other day. Leia Rose was reading to Annie. So sweet!!! Leia Rose is participating in a read-a-thon at Immaculata, and it has really rekindled her love of reading!!!

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