Monday, November 10, 2008

Some Serious Questions with a Twist

I have been meaning to write about this for a while: Leia Rose's recent ponderance of spiritual questions. Recently, we visited one of Leia Rose's friends and while the girls were playing outside (Leia told me later) the girls talked about God. The friend told Leia that she didn't go to church but still believed in God, . . . and Leia Rose asked me what would happen to her when she died. Oh my. I told her that NO ONE knows what will happen to any particular person after they die because there is no way for us to look into a person's soul, but that God would be very sad if someone didn't believe in Him. Tried to keep it simple for now. But it all BEGAN the last time we visited Shenandoah and we all watched "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." On the way home, Leia Rose was asking things like "Mamma, is the bad guy a PRIEST?!?" "Could a priest ever be BAD?!?" What happens to people like that after they die?!?" "If we are going to heaven, what is the other place like?" Then there was a long pause. Suddenly I heard, . . . "Mamma? . . . " And here it comes, I thought, a really big philosophical question. Holy Spirit, please guide my words. "Mamma? . . . why do some people call bat poop 'bat guano'?" HA!!!

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