Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Elected President

I think my Facebook status update said it best: Noelle is proud of America for defeating racism enough to elect its first African American president! BUT I weep for the unborn who have no voice & now have no hope.

My Facebook note of the day adds to it: It breaks my heart today to think of the 1.3 million babies aborted every year in our country alone (not even counting the 38,000 a day that die as a result of the "morning after pill"). With McCain not in office, Roe vs. Wade will not be overturned, . . . and these abortions will continue: all as a result of our own American selfishness. I take heart only in knowing that our Lord welcomes these children with open arms, . . . and has promised that "vengence is mine." How much further can America fall from His grace? Perhaps it is our turn from values that has brought America into its decline.

1 comment:

Codruta said...

Noelle, you are so right, and I am so proud of you!