Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fun Activities with my Girls

Today Leia Rose made her own "dino helmet" to "protect" her from any falls she might get when "sliding." You see, Leia is too old now to have socks with grippies. Hmmmm. She loves to slide. Thanks, Leia, but we don't need any more gray teeth in the family! Cool slide stance in the picture, though. (And a cool dinosaur growl in the next one, too.)

And here is a new Puppet-Version of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm." Annie just LOVES it, as she loves every game with animal surprises. We would sing the song and whenever we would get to "and on this farm he had a . . ." my hand would appear with a new puppet animal. Of course this farm also had alligators, elephants, and monkeys, but hey, who cares? ; ) Another favorite of Annie's (that is hard to take a picture of) is "Animal Peek" which simply involves Annie watching the Fisher Price Farm as I make the animals peek out of the windows.

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