Sunday, November 16, 2008

Leia's Schoolwork, Report Card, & Conference

Well, we're really into the nitty-gritty of school now, . . . and I was just pondering how last year I used to do all sorts of posts from Artgarden about "What did you do at school today, Leia." and "Tales from the Work Folder" and such. But this year, I haven't had a single notion to take a picture. "Why is that?" I wondered. This is why: it's all worksheets. Workseets, worksheets, worksheets. Conformity, repetition, and less creativity. Ah, the tradmark of a traditional school. And, yes, that's what we want for Leia Rose. But Leia Rose was just SO creative and adapted to the Montessori method that I find myself missing it, . . . and it's LEIA that considers this to be "real" school, and therefore she likes it even more now! : ) Anyway, you can see she's learning about time, and handwriting, and she even comes home with little books that most often focus on one letter (like "Apple Annie") but today obviously focused on the "op" sound.

But sometimes she comes home with some really creative coloring! Like this one of our entire family dressed for Halloween! Or the following one containing two Pilgrims. : )

The short of it is that this is a picture of Shenandoah (with a crossed out fat body because Leia started to draw Shenan too fat! Ha!). But the LONG of it is the REAL joy of Leia Rose going to Immaculata!!! Leia Rose comes home with a wondeful page like this every single day. Bible Verses, Saint stories, parts of the Catechism, . . . AWESOME! I am VERY happy with the religious program at this school, . . . and even more happy to hear that Leia's favorite subject is Religion, as she comes home each day saying something like, "Mamma! Today we learned about Saint Joseph! So, . . . what would Jesus's last name be, anyway?" Awesome!!! (Unfortunately, she also comes home once a week saying something like this, "Today I got put in time out two times for [insert infraction]." Yep, here's a kid who's still transitioning from the Montessori method. She has done everything from talking during circle to swinging her feet in a chair (????) to jumping off the playhouse to crawling around with her bottom in the air (???!!!). Lots of issues with propriety and ettiquette at school, . . . as well as with respect for authority. All things Leia Rose needs to improve upon, but don't come naturally to her, I'm guessing.)

In fact, we had her first parent/teacher conference the other day. This is the first school that wanted the child to attend with the parent, which surprised me. This was extra hard because Annie was then stuck there in the stroller. It wasn't fun. I had a hard time concentrating, but basically, Leia Rose does wonderfully in school and has mastered all (getting an "S" for "Secured Skill) of the following: observes the rules, has a good attention span, works neatly, completes activities promptly, works well independently, seeks help when needed, uses materials correctly, takes care of materials, finishes what has been started, values own work, is observant, works and plays well with others, has made friends in school, shares and takes turns, is courteous, shows self-confidence, respects the property of others, and adjusts easily to new situations. She has gotten a "D" for "Developing Skill" for "Follows Directions Promplty" and "Displays Self Control." She received no "Bs" for "Beginning Skill." Yay! Great job, Leia Rose! And the funny story they had to share with us was one day when she was put in a time out (the one for jumping off the house), she sat there and cried and screamed for a minute, . . . and then she did this little "shake off" and said, "I'm done now" and then sat there calmly. The teacher's thought that SO funny! And I told them that she gets that from me, . . . becuase often after an angry spell I physically "choose" to change my mood. Ha! : )

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