Saturday, November 15, 2008


The forest behind our house is very extensive with multiple mountain ridges and no one living for miles around. AWESOME for exploring (which Annie affectionately called "Splaurie")! So today Leia, Annie, and I decided to go on a "little" hike. This began by hiking up to the top of the ridge directly behind our house and then walking along the top of it (I couldn't stop thinking about the last scene from The Sound of Music) until we wanted to stop. This was really fun, except for a five-minute period where I wasn't sure how to get back. Ha!
The only other moment of nervousness was when I turned around and didn't see Leia Rose! Turns out that her outfit REALLY made her blend in with this tree. See if you can find her in this picture.
I solved both problems (on a later day) by having Leia Rose wear bright colors and by having us paint a small dot on trees as we walked along (with the rule left leaving, right returning). Worked like a charm! And now we have an awesome hiking trail behind our house!!!

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