Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thanksgiving Fast Approaching

Well, since there doesn't seem to be too many hugely creative projects at Immaculata these days, I thought I would record one that is worth noting! You know Thanksgiving is fast approaching when a turkey comes home, . . . but this one the children were not allowed to color. The kids had read a story about a turkey who came to Thanksgiving dinner disguised, . . . and so that was Leia's job, to disguise her turkey, . . . using anything around the house!

As you can see, Leia Rose decided to use rice and cinnamon (as well as puffballs and jewels) to disguise her turkey as The Easter Bunny! : ) I thought she deserved an award for this one! ; )

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That is pretty amazing! I don't think I could have come up with something half as amazing as that visually as well as how cleaver it was to use a different holiday theme to conceal the Thanksgiving Turkey!