Monday, November 24, 2008

Experiencing T-Rex!

T-Rex: the new restaurant at Downtown Disney that became the highlight of Leia Rose's entire trip!
Even the outside was SPECTACULAR!!!
And as soon as you entered there was a life size T-Rex dino mamma with her two babies, . . . roaring and roaring at you! Leia LOVED it!!! (Our hostess told me that kids either LOVE it or HATE it and SCREAM!!! Ha!!!)
And, we took a brief look in the store, before which my attitude was, "There's NO way that there's anything here that we don't have already." We walked away with a pink T-Rex shirt, a roaring dino, a roaring dino book, and a pink winter T-Rex dinosaur winter hat. Ha!
And as you sit there eating your dinner among the din of the constant dinosaur roars, . . . you realize that the most special thing about the whole place is that every set of dinosaurs is a FAMILY! So sweet! Here is the room we were sitting in: a very centralized location where you could see every single other room. It was GREAT! Every single dinosaur is life-size, and there is a dinosaur making its special roaring sound and moving at all times. It's a LOUD restaurant! In fact, Annie was banging on the marble table with her spoon HARD, . . . BUT WE COULDN'T EVEN HEAR IT! Ha!
Plus, every fifteen minutes the world "ends" by the big asteroid hitting the earth and ending the dinosaurs lives (before it all starts over again). The sky lights up with the asteroid. The dinosaurs all roar at the same time. The ice cave, which is usually ice blue, turns red with fire like you'll see in the next picture. This one is of Annie's reaction to the asteroid coming to town. (And, yes, she REALLY enjoyed the macaroni and cheese. But the food item that Leia couldn't stop talking about was the dessert called "The Chocolate Extinction" which was supposed to feed four people: four huge pieces of fudge cake, four mountains of ice cream, drizzled with all sorts of goo, and a big smoking volcano in the middle! Ironically, we didn't get that dessert because it was FIFTEEN dollars!)
Heck, even the trip to the BATHROOM was exciting! Look at what they called the girls' room: She-Rex (and the boys' was He-Rex)! Love it!
Does this say "Leia" or WHAT!?!
And afterward, we headed over to The World of Disney in Downtown Disney to visit the Lego Store and see all the HUGE lego structures there!

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