Thursday, November 6, 2008

"My Purple Kitty Room!!!"

As I write this post, people are working on our new stone fireplace and, ironically, it's because of them that Leia's Room truly became her desired "Purple Kitty Room." This is because they left this HUGE roll of thick brownish-purple paper that they used to cover the floor. Mamma took one look at that paper and said, "We could use that to make a great big kitty!!!" So we set to work. Leia did this ENTIRE thing on her own. The only thing I did was guide her as to how large the head and body should be.
Just a few tidbits during the work, which by the way took as long as the movie Snow White (which is what we allowed Annie to watch so she wouldn't try to "help"). ; ) It's ironic, by the way, that this idea of Leia's is what led to Annie's little house mantra which was: "New house! . . . Kitty Cat House!!!" Here are some of Leia's comments during her work: "I like to make the eyelashes go all around like a sun." "I need to make sure to put a baby kitty on the Mamma's back." "I want to make the ears red. I always make the ears red." "Both of them are going to wear a kitty shirt & kitty pants, and the kitty pants are going to be purple because this is a 'Purple Kitty Room.'"
"I'm not going to use these stickers because I'm too excited about these other things!" "These purple pants need to be sea creature pants." "I want to make a puff-ball heart right here." "I don't want to use a colored button for the kitty's shirt, because this brown button is a kitty button." "I think I'll put these jewels on the Mamma's tail."
We had to wait for the glue to dry, of course. So, after Leia Rose was asleep, I snuck upstairs and used double stick tape (the same I use for the girls' bows) all around the edge and in the middle of the kitty. This method worked REALLY well for hanging it up in Leia's room. (And it's hard to tell from the pictures, but Leia's room is all colored "Gentle Lilac." ; ) SO, . . . this is what you'll see when you walk into Leia's room. Welcome home, Leia! We love you!


April said...

I love it! What a great project.

Great job Leia!

LauraW said...

We can't wait to visit! On Shenan's sheet at Church today she listed as her interests: outside, spending time with family, and being with my best friend Leia! Hi to Leia from Shen!