Saturday, November 15, 2008

Leia Rose Learns to Tie!

This was one of those amazing moments that you don't even realize it's time for!!! : ) I had just bought Leia Rose a pair of velcro Strawberry Shortcake shoes to make getting dressed easier, . . . and lo-and-behold!!! Leia Rose can TIE!!!! Here is the inspiration: this week's letter is going to be "I," and so they are all going to make "Indian" headbands with a possibility of nine feathers. Each feather will contain a badge with one accomplishment. If you earn all 9, you become a chief! (Yes, Leia is one of only 4 chiefs in the class. Ah, the first advantage of being one of the older ones!!!!) I cut out the badges for the class, so let me see if I can remember them all: I can skip, I know my phone number, I know my address, I can count to 10, I can tie, I know my shapes, I know my colors, I know my letters, (and one more I can't remember). Anyway, Leia Rose and I have been working on the phone number and address. She's finally got it! (This was through lots of repetition and not having a horrid address anymore like, um, Diana Del Silva Court.) Then today, Leia asked me to show her how to tie, and I thought, "This is NEVER going to be a one-day deal." But I swear it lasted 10 minutes. I showed her, . . . and she did it on the first try!!! Note to self, . . . just like potty training, . . . wait, wait, wait until your child is old enough to learn a skill! This equals lots of happiness and less frustration! : ) Congratulations, Leia Rose! You learned to tie faster than the speed of light!!!

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