Saturday, November 29, 2008

Making Comet-Balls with Auntie April

Today Auntie April had a very special surprise for the girls!!! Auntie April is an Art teacher at the local elementary school, so today she brought all of the fun materials over so the girls could create the most recent project: comet-balls!!!
April is a GREAT teacher! (Who would have ever thought that there would be TWO teachers in the family!?!)
Annie especially liked Auntie April's signal that she does in school when the kids are finally ready to begin. She raises her arms and says, "GO!" in a really funny way. Gosh, Annie loved it! This is her reaction.
Are my kids expressive, or WHAT!?! Here is Annie's reaction to catching a comet-ball.
And the most fun? Playing with them!!! Thanks Auntie April for a really fun evening AND a really great party idea!!!!

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