Friday, November 21, 2008

Newberry Tree Lighting

We thought it would be nice to pay a visit to Grandma & Grandpa on the way down to Florida for Thanksgiving (not to mention that it helped take about 1.5 hours off the trip), so they invited us to come for a fun evening at the Newberry Tree Lighting. Well, we were eating during the lighting, . . . but the girls were wowed and zowed by all the fun lights all over downtown! It was REALLY cold out, but the girls and I were toasty warm in our snowsuits. ; )

This was so funny. Leia Rose came over to me, pulled on my sleeve, and said, "Mamma, take my picture!" Then she went over to this lighted figure and squatted beneath it! ; )

This was even funnier. There was one store that had a beautiful Christmas display inside, and as we stood there looking at it Annie obviously couldn't get enough of tasting it. Ha! I'm guessing that she was enthralled by the taste & feel of the freezing cold window? ; )
Well, the Immaculata read-a-thon is drawing to a close, so Leia Rose is taking every opportunity to read to anyone who will listen. (She's trying to win a $50 gift card to Toys R Us.)
And it wouldn't be a trip to Grandma's and Grandpa's without helping to make the egg nog!

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