Monday, November 3, 2008

The Blue Ridge Parkway

It has been an extraordinarily beautiful fall with an amazingly long fall foliage season. The Family has been taking full advantage of this in that there have been numerous family trips along the Blue Ridge Parkway (now that the entrance is located only a few miles from our new home). Unfortunately, I usually neglected my camera. Here is one of the trips I took today with Annie alone while Leia Rose was in school. But I just couldn't complete this post without including Leia Rose's quote as she stared in wonder at these fall leaves the other day: "Wowsers, Trousers, Ptousers!!!" Ha!

But leaves, shmeaves, . . . it was the TUNNELS that brought the most joy to MY girls. Ha!
And Annie is ALWAYS excited to see a "wa-fall," just like the one in Snow White. ; ) This one is called Looking Glass Falls and is, literally, SOOOO close. ; )

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