Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas 3

The girls received lots of clothes and books and toys today, but this was the wow-and-zow gift for Leia Rose: a rider barbie with her jumping horse!!! (She named the horse "Rose Jumper.") This toy is absolutely phenomenal, the horse bends so realistically, and when you pull the leg back far enough she whinnies!!! Leia Rose's typical playtime with this toy (which lasted hours and even days) was to put the horse and barbie to bed (which involved taking off all of their accouterments/clothes and laying them down), then wake them up (which involved putting on all of their accouterments/clothes and setting them up), . . .
Then Leia would make the horse jump and win a ribbon.
Then Leia would make the jump, herself. Then it was time for "bed" again, . . . so off go the accouterments/clothes (again). : )

Annie was fascinated by all of her gifts, but she especially loved (and continues to love) the little book from Alan and Cassie called Five Little Monkeys, with the typical "jumping on the bed" and "bumped his head." Now when I read it, Annie will pretend-hit her head at the appropriate parts. : )
And here is Brian's reaction to receiving a very coveted book from Alan and Cassie: the newest pop-up from the Star Wars universe in honor of the 30th anniversary! (Now if we can just get Leia to like Yoda.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud when I saw the picture of Leia jumping because it looks like she is doing the Ed Grimmley dance.
“I must say”
