Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Some Leia Tidbits, Too

Leia says such cute things these days (and she also has been doing wonderfully on the respect issue, too)! The other day she was playing with her ladybug umbrella (always a favorite), and she couldn't get it to close, so she said, "Hey Mamma, could you 'pop this puppy'?" Ha! Or there was the time that she requested a game of "Princess Finopoly" for "Princess Monopoly." : ) Then there are the really precious moments, like when she asked me at lunch what a "toast" was, and I explained it to her, to which she replied, "Let's toast to our family." Does that melt your heart or what? Later that same day, Annie was napping, and Leia Rose came over to Brian and I and said, "Let's all hug together." And after a very special embrace, she said, "But Annie needs to be here too! Let's all four of us hug like this later!" Again, just so precious. And about school, Mrs. McDowell wrote me a fun email today:

"By the way I keep forgetting to tell you that pretty out of the blue last Friday Leia did mention to me that she thought that cat food tastes good and makes a pretty good snack. Thoughts on that one? She did also make a really super painting yesterday. We have been looking at a couple of Van Gogh paintings and then Charlie's older sister (age 9) made a truly amazing painting while looking at Van Gogh's Sunflowers and Leia was just floored standing behind Madeline watching her create and then stepped up to make her own after her and it was really neat to watch her do it and then a wonderful product in the end. You will have to visit it in the class I am afraid. We had to hang it up but it will go home soon enough."

Okay, yes D, I had to blame this one one you. ; ) "HA!!! Yes, leave it to my father-in-law, . . . he's an internist and wants Leia Rose to do things like eat dirt and munch on catfood, . . . says it makes for a healthier kid (and that kids on the farm are always healthy). Very true. Every time we go to my in-laws, he encourages her try a piece. Yuck! Not my favorite activity of hers. ; ) Thanks for the info on the sunflower painting. I'll go in to look. : )"

But then, of course, there are the not-so-cute things she is learning at school (or perhaps from her beloved "shows"), . . . like looking at something to eat that she doesn't like and saying a quick "ew" while screwing up her face. Not like her at all.
Leia's classmate Daphne has a new dog named Lucy, who Leia Rose always wants to go out and see at the end of a day, . . . but this is her usual stance when confronted with Lucy up close, . . . ready to run at any second. Ha! Leia Rose is truly more of a cat person. (Wish I were.)
And recently Leia Rose has been obsessed a bit with tying things together, like here where she has used Daddy's belt to pull Annie on her push-car. : )
And here she is laughing at Daddy's recurring Lord of the Rings comment, "Meat from the bone!" And she also got a real kick out of your, face-in-the-chicken-bone story, Auntie April (from when you were Leia's age). "But why did she think there was a face in there? Oh, maybe she thought the two bone lumps on the end were eyes. Yes, I bet that's what she thought." : ) Such a critical thinker!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember like it was yesterday.

There WAS a little guy in there.
The little bumps were more like the little guys chubby cheeks and chin.
