Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sicky Sue Loves Titanic (?!?)

Poor little Leia Rose woke up six times last night all befuddled. (One time she said she was crying because "Annie can't play our games.") She had a fairly high fever, a cough, and a stuffed up nose, and just needed a Mamma and Daddy, and we were happy to snuggle. For some reason, she kept apologizing "for her problem," and I just smiled, kissed her, and said, "Awww, it's okay, Leia Rose. You don't need to apologize. This is why Mammas are Mammas! To love up and take care of our little Sicky Sues." (Um, but Mamma was REALLY exhausted this morning, especially because Annie woke up lots as well last night, but it may have been because she was hot in her snuggle sack. Tonight's the test in regards to that.)
But, I'll tell ya', today turned out to be a real bonus for me! Leia Rose stayed home from school and saw a Reading Rainbow about treasure buried at sea, and more specifically about, . . . the Titanic! She became absolutely fascinated with the fate of this ship! So much so, that I asked her if she would like to see my books about the subject (an obsession that I haven't revisited for many years now). We looked through BOTH books in their entirety, and I explained the pictures on every page as best I could to a five-year-old. Then, just for fun, I showed Leia Rose just a couple of scenes from the movie (because, quite honestly, most of it is nowhere near appropriate): the part where they pan over the ship as they sail the ocean and Jack shouts "I'm the king of the world!" and the part where Rose descends into steerage to join the dancing party below decks. A few select quotes: "That ship is REALLY big!" "What's steerage, Mamma?" "I bet they let all the poor people on the life boats first, . . . oh, why did they all go last?" "Where's that little girl, Cora, that Jack dances with?" "Look Mamma, she's doing ballet!" "There's that White Star Line thing again!" "Where are the things you got from the Titanic show?" (That last one is referring to the Titanic Exhibition that I went to in Boston a long time ago, where I actually purchased some coal aboard the Titanic and recovered from the bottom of the ocean.) She was spellbound when I showed her the coal, . . . and I was spellbound that my five-year-old was already interested in this!

1 comment:

LauraW said...

We hope Leia is feeling better!