Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mamma Grew Up in the 80's

Okay, so this is a post mostly about me, . . . but I'm assuming that the girls will be interested in the type of pop culture that was around when Mamma was young. My friend Karin, sent me a really cool e-mail about growing up in the 80s, and I thought I would re-create it here, with a few additions of my own. : ) And for an even more animated look at the 80s, try clicking on this link:

You know you were a girl who grew up in the 80's if:
You remember Popples.
All the cool kids you knew were watching The Breakfast Club, Dirty Dancing, and Sixteen Candles.

You loved watching Superfriends, and still remember: "Wonder Twins Power: Activate!!!"

Your idea of studying history was watching Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. [Actually, I thought this movie was totally horrid. I lost lots of respect for my friend, Lisa, when she thought it was "awesome." I'm a bigger fan of the movie now than I was then.]

You wore flop socks. [Yes, that's me on the left.]
[Yes, that's me second to the left. And actually, I keep tabs on every single one of these people from high school. Cristy, Noelle, Jenny, Lisa, Georgie, Laura, Theresa.]
You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and were proud of it . [And I still have mine, see?]

You loved watching re-runs of the Brady Bunch.
You had big hair, pink frosted lipstick, and knew at least one boy with a really cool mullet.
You wore hi-tops.
You remember having a crush on Kirk Cameron who graced the cover of "Bop" and remember Leonardo DeCaprio first as the homeless boy on Growing Pains, instead of the hero in Titanic.
You remember Matthew Perry first as Carol's boyfriend "Sandy" on Growing Pains who was killed in a drunk driving accident, instead of Chandler on Friends.

You remember Helen Hunt first as the supporting actress in Girls Just Want to Have Fun instead of Jamie on Mad About You.

You remember some boy in your class playing with the stupid "Muscle Men."
You remember when Joanie married Chachie.
You had a bike with a banana seat.
You ever wore colored mascara and eye shadow.

You insist that Aileen Quinn is the one and only "Annie."You had, or knew someone who had, one of these metal swing sets.
You have ever bruised your ribcage on a slip n' slide.
You loved to play with your Baby Alive.

You remember Hunt the Wumpus.
You loved to play Pac Man on Atari.
You learned to dance to "I'll Get Around," on the Beach Boys Endless Summer, on LP.
You fell in love with Billy Joel when he sang "You May be Right."
You listened to (and sang along with) the soundtrack of Grease over and over again, not really knowing how many sexual overtones were involved.

You remember The Beastie Boys "I'm Gonna Fight for the Right to Party!"
You thought Teddy Ruxpin was high tech.
You once wore gummy bracelets up your arm. . .
Right above your swatch watch.
You remember working on an Apple GE in school.

You traded oily stickers on the playground.
You remember Valley Girls who always said, "Barf me out" and "Gag me with a spoon."
You cried at the end of ET, and remember Drew Barrymore first as little Gertie instead of the heroine in "50 First Dates."
Three Words: Cabbage Patch Kids [Wilson Gason was mine. He now belongs to Annie.]

You've ever ended a sentence with the word "sike." And you still get the urge to say "not" at the end of every sentence.
You remember Will Smith first as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air instead of the hunk in Independence Day, . . . and can sing the entire Fresh Prince rap.
You know that 'WOAH' comes from Joey on Blossom.
You loved watching Fraggle Rock, . . .

And remember the Gummi Bears so well that you can sing their entire theme song.
You remember when the violence of Looney Tunes was quaint and fun.
You have ever worn a ponytail on the side of your head.
You knew the profound meaning of "wax on, wax off."

You owned a piece of fluoresent clothing, and you made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side.
You can remember when Michael Jackson was really cool, . . . and looked normal (like before his nose fell off and his cheeks shifted). [I have a vivid memory of going skating at a skating rink with my class and them playing the Thriller video for the very first time. And at different points during the video they would flash love messages. Mine was "Chris n' Noelle" because Chris McAllister was my crush at the time.]
You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.
You traded Garbage Pail Kids cards in the schoolyard in between playing jacks and Chinese jacks.

You remember the craze and the banning of slap bracelets.
You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged handmade friendship bracelets. [Actually, at my school it was friendship pins. And you NEVER wanted to see a green bead on yours, because it meant "enemy."]
You actually wanted a pair of jellies.
You remember "I've fallen, and I can't get up!"

You remember skating before there were in-line skates, and find it strange now to go to a skating rink and NOT hear 80s music.
You've played with a skip-it.
You called this a "boom-box" and held it on your shoulder like you were all that. [Actually, I still use the term "boom-box" and I remember my high school students laughing REALLY hard at the term. I suppose I could hold mine on my shoulder until I dropped it off the side of our boat to the bottom of the ocean. It never worked again.]
You remember watching the Gremlin movies, and would never THINK of feeding Gizmo after midnight.

You remember Alf, the little furry brown alien from Melmac.
You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool and can sing "The Right Stuff" with all the right moves.
You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART.
You STILL sing "We Are the World."

You've ever tight-rolled your jeans.
You wore a banana clip.
You're favorite commercial was "Where's the Beef."
You used to say 'What you talkin' 'bout Willis?' and probably still do.
You remember when He-Man truly was the Master of the Universe. (Yeah, and the girls had She-Rah, who never quite measured up.)

And is it me, or do the last two decades just not have anything memorable like this?!? What are those kids going to remember, Brittany Spears & Tickle-Me-Elmo?!? What kind of memories are those?!?

1 comment:

Karin said...

Funny :)

I'm sure they have their own sets of things, but we just weren't tuned into it. Take Beanie Babies for example!