Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sicky Sue Number Two

Just a little aside to update the blog on our sicklyness. Yes, Annie got it, too. No update for days and days, I know. It's just not appropriate to take pictures when everyone is in their jammies from morning until night, Annie has two green "slime trails" emanating from her nose, the TV is on non-stop, fevers are running rampant, and both girls have purplish-pink circles around their eyes that look like they've been painted with really realistic Halloween makeup.

This has been our life for the last four days.

Then there's the grand finale (ta-da) with Annie ending up in Urgent Care tonight for blood/pus/mucus running out of her ears. (At least Annie's tubes are doing their job!) The doctor there kept running back to his medical reference book to look things up. Hmmmm. He prescribed drops and oral antibiotics. Hmmmm. Then they called them into a pharmacy that was already closed. *sigh* I paged Dr. Stephens (the very first time that I've ever done so). I just didn't want to start Annie on oral meds if Dr. Stephens 1. didn't think Annie needed it and 2. thought that maybe she'd need an actual shot instead. Turns out my suspicion was correct. According to Dr. Stephens: With tubes in the ears, Floxin antibiotic drops should be enough. And, luckily, Annie has her 15 month appointment on Tuesday, so Dr. Stephens can check her then. I'm so glad I followed my gut on this and called Dr. Stephens! It was a personal victory for me, actually, because I'm often so worried about what other people think that it overcomes all of my decision-making skills. I'm so glad to know that my greatest flaw is nothing compared to the love I have for my children. : )


Karin said...

I'm soooo sorry to hear everyone's been so sick!!! That's AWFUL!!! And poor Annie!!! But I'm glad you called your dr & were able to get good info :)

LauraW said...

Wow! I hope you all are having a better day today! Annie, we hope you feel better!