Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday on Sesame Street

It's been Sesame Street fever these days as a result of me making a DVD of Classic Vintage Sesame Street Favorites for the girls. Every time I play it, the girls sit there in wrapped concentration like this, and I get teary-eyed because it connects them so very much to my own childhood. I just LOVE to watch this with them! The particular clip on the screen happens to be part of the "Put on Your Kammikluuk" song about Alaskan winter." One of my favorites. I also have to say that Leia Rose has two definite favorites. One day she chose to go around saying "I get mad, I get mad, I get mad. It ain't bad to get mad." Laughing after each time, . . . for about 100 times. The next day she chose to go around saying, "La, La, La, La, Lump in my oatmeal!" Again, laughing after each time, for about 100 times. [And as an added bonus in this picture, you get to see what our family room looks like at the end of a day when 1. Everyone had to go to Mass at separate times because Annie had a horrible night waking up again and again and 2. Mamma had to have a nap because of those wake-ups and 3. Mamma and Daddy choose to play with the girls instead of clean throughout the day. : ) ]
Later, Leia Rose gave her blow-up dinosaurs a tea party! : ) (She is feeding the T-Rex "beans," here.) And there was also more of the Bunnington Show from yesterday. : )
And here is one of Annie's favorite activities these days: pulling up her shirt, finding her tummy, and tapping it with both hands. : ) Yet another body part she has mastered. She still adores pointing out all the parts of my face, by the way. I love that. Today she added "mou" (mouse), "bow," "raff" (giraffe), and "nah" (the sound a goat makes). The word explosion continues! Interesting thing about that is how she reverts words ending in "p." So she says "puc" for "cup" and "poh" for "hop." REALLY interesting! (And cute, too.)
And here is one of Leia's most recent favorite things to do: "write things like a Mamma." : ) I'm not quite sure what that means (perhaps more/other words besides her name?), but it usually involves her drawing a box on a paper and then writing in it. Here the box was already there, so she copied the only word she saw which was the name of the company (Chicco) that made the little drawing toy, and then her name.

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