Monday, January 28, 2008

Special Daddy Game +

Both of my girls had a very special "Daddy Game" when they were about this age. With Leia Rose it was Daddy singing the jingle for goldfish ("the snack that smiles back, Goldfish"). And this is Annie's: Peek. Daddy does this game everywhere, but most notably at the table and on our bed. He will peek at Annie and then move to a different place she's not expecting. She loves it. (And when I'm around, she checks if I think it's cool, too.) : )
This is the way Annie looks when she's laughing REALLY hard. : ) We finally put up the "inside/winter" swings today. And the girls loved them. Here Leia Rose is playing "peek" with Annie as they both swing.
Later tonight, Leia Rose called me into the living room (the place where Leia goes when she still wants to be downstairs, but doesn't want Annie to mess something up) to see her new creation. Now Leia has never been a block-builder really, it has just never been her thing, but this was amazing! Leia called it her "castle," and it truly was. : )
I just wanted to document a fun new car activity courtesy of Laurie Berkner. She has a song called "I Know a Chicken" (or is it called "Shakey Egg"?) with all sorts of fun things to do with a shakey egg, and Santa brought the girls two purple shakey eggs for Christmas so, whalla! A ready-made car activity!


Karin said...

Kevin would love Leia's castle!! :) That's his favorite thing to do! (and yes, it's usually castles :) )

Anonymous said...

Noelle - it is fantastic that you captured the faces of both girls laughing really hard! I wish I had that of you when you were little. Brian - what wonderful family memories you are making with your fun fun games. The girls are so lucky to have a daddy that takes the time to make them laugh!