Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Years Chores

Tonight we finally came up with a chore chart for Leia Rose. We have gotten very lax about getting her to do her chores because, quite honestly, she's still at that age where it's easier for US to do everything, you know? But we have instilled in her that it's important for each member of the family to do their part in the household, so now we have to practice what we preach. Cassie and Alan, I hope you don't mind us using the "Mom's Calendar" for this project. It certainly will get lots of use this way!!! : ) The basic premise is that Leia puts a sticker beside the day and under the chore that she has done. At the end of the day, doing all of her chores earns her a family game. At the end of the week, doing all of her chores earns her shows on Sunday. Funny enough, we made one of her "chores" be "RESPECT," because that's the behavior she's been working on lately. (She has greatly improved, by the way.) Any thinking chair, and she gets a red X instead of a sticker. Her other chores include: making her bed, putting out the vitamins at dinner, putting out the napkins at dinner, putting her books back on her shelf, and helping Daddy clean up the toys at night.
We'll see how this works! : )

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