Friday, January 4, 2008

Faulkner Fearrington Playdate

This playdate began with Leia Rose remembering Kevin giving her the very first ring she ever received. (Kevin won it at Chucky Cheese about a year ago.) I keep the ring on my miniature shelf (in fear that Leia would lose it if she kept it on her own) with the condition that Leia Rose may wear it anytime she asks. You see, I lost my first ring from a boy in second grade when Scott LeBlanc gave me this little pink plastic ring that had two hands coming together. Ironically, Leia's ring actually WAS lost for a while on a different playdate at Kevin's house, where Leia Rose requested to wear it then, too. Today, she took it off after a while saying, "this ring hurts." I told her, "so would a real marquis cut diamond." Ha!
And for some reason, the bonus room held lots of fascination for Kevin, Leia, and Annie today. They had fun roughhousing up there, . . .
. . . and reading the "bad-kid books," which are the books that I read to Leia when she has a particular behavioral issue.
Why do Kevin and Leia always end up on the bed? Hmmmm . . .
After spending some time with Kevin playing up in her room, Leia came up to Karin asking, "Did Kevin really get married last night?" So funny! (I was reminded again here how our children are finally getting old enough now to play nicely on their own for the first time.)
And then Kevin ran down and also asked, "Did I get married?" and more importantly, he wanted to know who he was married to. Ha! Leia sometimes has a way of creating these funny, awkward moments. The most awkward of which was in reference to the bags of pumped breast milk that I happily give to Karin to save for Kien and Aria when they come home from Vietnam. When Karin and I were getting ready to transfer the milk from freezer to cooler, Leia Rose kept saying, "Why can't you make milk for your babies?" to which my response was, "Her babies are being adopted and are in Vietnam right now. Let's talk about this later . . ." Hope I handled that okay, Karin. I wasn't expecting that response from her because she knows that I pump and why I pump, . . . or at least I thought she did. : )
Everyone was getting hungry, so it was off to Fearrington Village for a quick lunch at the cafe while Brian stayed home with a napping Annie.
We had a nice lunch together (frequently interrupted by a little old man who fell in love with our children and spent just a little bit too much time talking with them). It was a great blessing that Karin and I got to talk to each other as well. : )
Then we went to visit the cows. (You'll see Kevin and Leia wearing their new "glow-balls" they got for doing a nice coloring job on their placemats at the restaurant. A cute toy, but no Olivia dress-up figurine!)
We saw a donkey, too! No braying today, though.

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