Monday, January 21, 2008

Snowmelt & Icicles!

As we were getting ready today, I turned around, and there was Leia Rose doing some self-proclaimed "snow ballet." : )
And today I enlisted her help in pulling Annie. Such a good big sister!

I also found a way to let them sled together with me pulling them down our little slope.
I love this picture, not that it's really good or anything, but it shows that Annie says "aaaahhhhh" way after the sledding ends and shows how Leia Rose always looks lovingly at Annie to see her reaction.
It was such a hassle to get Annie in and out of the sled, that I found a new way to let her swing for a little while! : )

And then I gave her the thrill of her life (again) and let her touch the snow.
But it didn't take long this time for her to realize, "Hey, this is way too cold!"
And here was the excitment of the winter: we found REAL icicles hanging from the playground! The first icicles we had EVER seen!!!
Leia thought it would be neat to lick them!
And so did I!
And then we licked them together!
Then we went on an icicle hunt, and here are the ones we found . . .

There were even some hanging from the roof!
And then it was time to lick an icicle popsicle! (Leia LOVED this, and added it to her list of favorite snow activities. 1. Eating snow. 2. Making a "snow beard." 3. Licking icicles.) And such a sweet thing: on her own, Leia Rose suggested that we save an icicle for Daddy to see. So she chose one, broke it off, put it in a plastic bag, and put it in the deep freeze in our garage so Daddy could see it before it melted! What a thoughtful girl! : )
Then Leia was a little helper again and got the baby swing ready for little Annie.
Annie loved swinging in the snow . . .
. . . and then it was time for full "parade mode." : )

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