Monday, January 28, 2008

Leia Rose Paints Van Gogh

Here is Vincent Van Gogh's painting called "Sunflowers." Now, for weeks both teachers and parents have told me that Leia Rose spent a long time in wrapped observance of an older child (9 years old?) using this picture as a reference, and then proceeded to paint her own fabulous picture that my friend Hollis called "a framer." : )
Here it is. I am amazed not only because it's done so well, but also because it's actually a painting, not just a crayon or marker picture. : ) (Leia Rose said she didn't have room to paint her name of the vase, like Vincent, so she painted it on the table instead.)
And here is Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Starry Night."
And Leia's rendition. "But mine is above an ocean," says Leia. : )

Mrs. Schnell said that this was Leia's first attempt at painting "Sunflowers." This was done after just looking at the original painting, but before watching an older child paint.
And here is Leia's sand map of Asia.
And she's especially proud of her pretty pink South America. (Mrs. Schnell told me today that the girls in extended day have been busy planning their weddings lately. What?!? And that Leia Rose wants "to go to Hawaii on my honeymoon, but someday I'm going to Mexico." What?!?)
And here is Leia Rose's Chinese lantern. I asked her to show me which one was hers, but I really should have guessed. It was one of the few pink ones . . . with a Tyrannosaurus mouth drawn on it. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

The paintings are awesome!!!! :) :) Definitely keepers!!!