Sunday, January 20, 2008

Snow Glorious Snow!

The story behind this picture is that Leia thought her mitten, with the little velcro flap sticking up, looked just like a shark. So creative!

Brian said that Annie was in "Parade Mode," which means that she just sits there. Only her eyes move. : )
We actually have a teeny tiny downslope in our front yard, and the girls could sled there with a little push.

And what would a day in the snow be without sister love?!?

When I saw Leia Rose doing this, I thought, "Oh! Is Leia going to do her zipline as a fun outdoor activity in the snow?!?" . . .
. . . No. She was just using it to taste some of the snow on the handles. (Ha!) Tasting snow was Leia's favorite activity of the day.
Annie was curious about tasting snow, too.
She always stared at it for a very long time before she tried licking it. : )
Then it was time for snowman-building!

Then we discovered that the significant downslope down Danning Drive had a side swail with no mailboxes! Great for sledding! (If only it didn't slope a little bit to the left into the drainage ditch.)
Leia would often find Annie listing to the left, . . .
. . . much to her dismay. It was at about this point that Leia Rose said, "I'm done with this. I want to go inside now!"
So Annie and I took a stroll down the swail of Margaret Daniel while singing "Winter Wonderland" and "Let it Snow:" the same thing I did with Leia Rose when she was one. The only difference? Leia had tried to sing along, but Annie was still in full "Parade Mode." ; )

I wish I had a video instead of a picture! This is Annie saying "no" for snow!!!
Annie really perked up when I got her out of the sled, rolled up her sleeve, and let her touch the real snow! She really got a kick out of it! And it's especially fun to see the progression of her feelings about it:

The happiest girl in the world: "Look Mamma, I'm touching SNOW!!!"

"Hey, wait a minute, this stuff is really cold!"
"Ouch, the cold is really hurting my hand!"
"This is horrible! Snow, shmow! Get me back inside!"
Then we continued our tradition of hot chocolate afterwards, served in my special snowman mugs. It was a very special snow day, even if we only got two inches, . . . and only in certain places.
I have to say, though, it wasn't until I got outside that I saw it wasn't too shabby! We got to do everything we wanted to. Even sledding!!! The only thing left out was sledding down the huge hill on Stonehill Road, but we'd really need five inches or more for that. ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Fun! Oh, poor Annie!! So sweet though :) And they look too cute in all their pink! That's so cool that you could make snowballs! Ours did not pack at all.