Monday, January 14, 2008

Dino Checkers & "Bad Kid" Books

Leia Rose and I played Dino Checkers today as a fun thing to do together during Annie's nap. And it WAS fun for Leia, until she lost, that is. It was fun to watch her thinking process progress as she tried to figure out my next move. In regards to games, I try to have Leia Rose win half of the time and lose half of the time, just to impart good sportsmanship. Leia Rose wasn't a very good sport today in regards to losing. "I'm never playing this game again!" "I don't like this!" etc. etc. So we went on up to the bonus room to read the "Being a Bad Sport" book from what Leia Rose calls the "Bad Kid" books. The actual set is called the "Help Me Be Good" books, to put a positive spin on it, but that just didn't stick, I guess. It's a series of about 20 books about every single thing a kid could possibly do wrong (except for pushing/hitting, I discovered long ago, they call it "bullying" instead). Whenever one of my children commits one of those infractions, we read the book about it. Then, in the front of the book, I have recorded the day we read it and to which child. I'm happy to say, I've only had to read a few books a couple of times with Leia Rose. (None with Annie yet, of course.) My only beef with the books is that they don't have any religious element at all. I wish they did. Anyway, Leia Rose and any of her friends that come over always want to read these books. Is it because all of the children in them are being bad, and that's intriguing? Maybe.
Recently, Leia Rose has really felt so secure and happy in knowing the truth in what I always say: "Mamma never breaks her promises." And here she is joyously holding up the "Breaking Promises" "Bad Kid" book and saying, "You'll never have to read THIS one, Mamma!" I'm so happy my girls can really depend on me! (Not to leave Brian out, of course! This is just something special I always say to impart security.)

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