Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Day 2007

Yes, Annie is truly her father's daughter: check out the happiness in regards to bacon. : )
Here's a common sight during this trip: Annie regarding Lucybelle. : )
Actually, they regarded each other lots. : )

Here's another common sight during this trip: Annie and Leia on the stairs. Annie's very favorite supervised activity was to climb up and shimmy down (that is until she started climbing up and stopping to look back on every stair, . . . the shimmy was much more safe). See the video below.
Later Uncle Joe came over and, in addition to giving the girls some priceless old pennies that they're going to begin a collection with, challenged Leia to a balancing contest to put her ballet moves to the test.
Annie is always spellbound by anything that moves, and this little dancing/singing snowman was a hit every single year. And this year, we got our own really cool version from Alan and Cassie: a teddy bear that reads "Twas the Night Before Christmas"!!!

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