Saturday, January 26, 2008

Heaven & Hell

Ah, the dichotomy of the day! Brian and the girls allowed me an absolutely fabulous morning brunch with my friend Sarah McDowell complete with adult conversation and laughter (heaven). And then I came home to have really fun "playdate" with Leia featuring "the lovie show," "Max and Ruby's poky pajamas," and lots of Leia's jokes ending with "get it!?!" as Annie napped (heaven). But then we went out to a horrible dinner at Outback where Annie screamed the whole time and wouldn't eat a thing (hell). And then returned to have her scream (and sign "eat" and "more Mamma's milk") until 10pm when she finally fell asleep (hell). And all I wanted to do, as I told Brian, was to "bake brownies and swim in the crumbs" (heaven), but my diet won't allow for anything but exercise (hell). *sigh*

So, let's dwell on the heavenly part of the day, shall we?
This is a picture of "the lovie show," because these are all of Leia's self-proclaimed "lovies" (except for Perri-Pat-Pat, who we can't find at the moment) and each of them has a snack.
Then here is Leia Rose reunited with The Bunnington Family, who she had been wanting to find for the longest time, and today we finally found in the tupperware of dollhouse stuff that was too small for Annie to have.
And for the longest time, Leia Rose and I just sat laughing together like this, with me sitting on the bed and our feet together making up silly rhymes, Leia's favorite being, "Bum, bum, bum, Babulars, Babulars!" : )

Another highlight was Leia Rose's jokes. She created a really great knock knock joke today that went "Knock Knock" "Who's there?" "Eyes." "Eyes who." "Eyes blue! . . . Ha, ha, ha, ha! Get it?!? Get it?!?" (Leia's knock knock jokes always involve her looking around the room and inserting words like "fan" "pillow" or "bed," because those are the things she sees. Ha!) And I created a whole line of them that were different kind of soups. "Knock Knock." "Who's there?" "Chickens." "Chickens who?" "Chicken soup!"

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