Monday, January 28, 2008

"Moo, Moo!" "Foo, foo!" (Shoe, Shoe!)

As good as Annie is at communication, I still can't always "get" what she's saying. : ) Late this morning, Annie kept looking at me and saying "Moo, Moo" while signing "please." Well, I kept getting out all of the cows in our possession. And at the third one, Annie got really frustrated. Then finally, I realized she was getting tired and asked, "Did you want Mamma's Milk?!?" And she made her usual "umh, umh, umh" sound while sucking her thumb, which meant "yes, I want Mamma's Milk" . . . . "and I've been trying to tell you by saying 'Moo, Moo,' but you thought I was making a cow sound, you silly Mamma!" Ha!

And we already added a new word today: "foo" (shoe). : ) Because of the spontaneity of Annie's new words, I can't tell you how rare it is to get one on video! : )

[By the way, last night was the first time since about 1/6 that Annie slept through the night without breastfeeding or screaming. Three full weeks. I hate ear infections!]


Karin said...

Too funny!! ha! And ooooo -- not good about the 3 weeks, but glad that may be over!!

Anonymous said...

LEIA! Your art work is fantastic! the sunflowers are amazing! how wonderful that such a little person has the patience to do such a complicated task - and do it so well! Did you do it all at one sitting? I love your work and I love you.

Anonymous said...

WOW Noelle! the shoe video is spectacular - how wonderful that you are capturing these things for the girls to see when the are older and for you to look at and revisit their babyhood when ever you want to!