Sunday, May 18, 2008

Annie Climbs a Ladder

Well, Leia and I were snuggling on the hammock together (which is fun news in itself!), when I looked over at the clubhouse area thinking that Annie was still in the sandbox, . . . and THIS is what I saw!!! Annie had climbed up the ladder HERSELF and began clapping because she was proud of herself. Ironically, I was about to publish a post I had already been working on entitled "How to Teach a Toddler to Climb a Playground Ladder" (under supervision, of course). I had written "hold on to your toddler's feet, have them work their hands, and say, 'hand, hand, foot, foot' as they move thier hands to the next bar and you move thier feet to the next bar below." Turns out that my instruction worked so well, I didn't get to publish that post before Annie did the climbing on her own! Ha!

This was such a cool milestone that I took another shot and video the next day:

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