Friday, May 9, 2008

Artgarden Works

I just love this picture! Here is Leia Rose working at one of her favorite works: the workbench! She's using the handheld drill, and loving every minute of it! : ) Before Mother's Day Tea, I got to explore the room with Leia Rose. It was so much fun!
And here is Leia's puffy globe with all of the continents named and punched herself! (And you can really see the metal insets in this picture, too.)
For some reason today, Leia Rose was content to choose lots of works for younger children (in other words, not extended day works). This is "the pounding work" where the child pounds golf tees into some clay to make different shapes. She also chose an advanced motor skills work with this little suction cup starfish where a marble was placed into each suction cup.
"Mamma, of course this is called 'the shell sorting work' because I sort shells!" ; )
This is one of the counting works where the child lays out the cards, turns them over one by one, and feeds the frog the number of bugs it says. : ) Leia's choice of works today truly echoed my mood for the day as well: one of pure enjoyment! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

How neat to get to go around with her :) So funny to see her in a dress with a drill and goggles!! ha