Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pony Costumes Received

Is this picture proof that Leia is a five-year-old peanut, or what?!? The girls received their costumes today in class and got to wear them (over their regular ballet clothes?) to perform for the parents! And as I watched the practice from the mirrored glass windows, I heard the Miss Meghan say, "No, Lindsey isn't here anymore because she decided she didn't like ballet." Sure enough, Leia's response was, "Well, I LOVE ballet!!!" Ha! (And thank goodness, because the Star Wars obsession got a bit much today when Leia came to me and said, "Mamma, tomorrow I want to make a paper gun." Oh NO! Such problems ensue when good guys fight bad guys, . . . and yet we teach how wrong it is to kill other people! Yikes, this would be the time when all the scrutinizing parents would wag their finger at me. But still, Leia and Daddy are reading Empire Strikes Back and, of course, LOVING it. I'm afraid we wouldn't give up that Father/Daughter bonding time for anything!) Leia Rose does a great twirl!!! But there is one part where they gallop from their circle into two lines, and Leia had no idea where to go (because it's something we couldn't work on at home up until this point). Well, now I know where she's supposed to stand, . . . and we'll work on that! ; )
Leia Rose was SO excited that I got to watch. There's just something so special about having your little ballerina run into your arms at the end of class!

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's awesome! :) OH! And I think I forgot to tell you before we left on vacation that we DO plan to come to the recital!! :)