Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mamma's Bubbles

Last night I realized that Annie had never seen anyone blow a bubble with bubble gum before! (We're just not a big gum-chewing family, I guess.) I was really trying to capture the moment with pictures, . . . and I never completely succeeded, but these are my best attempts, one from yesterday and one from today. Anyway, I happened to have some gum in my mouth when I gave Annie a bath last night, so I thought I would show her. And every time I was preparing to blow a bubble she looked at me like this:

I love how she tried to do it herself, . . . with spit. ; ) It was such a distinct face she gave each time. Really cute. Except both of these faces were short-lived, this-is-the-first-time-I've-ever-seen-this type faces. Then there was the face when I actually blew the bubble:

Always a mixture of excitement and fear. I'm sure it looks strange to see a great big thing coming out of your Mamma's mouth and then suddenly deflate with a big "pop." Ha! Ah, to see things through the eyes of a child. : )

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