Monday, May 26, 2008

Mega End-of-Year Work Folder Post

During the last weeks of the school year, project after project began floating home until I had a HUGE pile to report upon. This evening, I had Leia Rose sit down with me to get the skinny on every single thing:
Gifts for the Worrel girls. Going clockwise: a card for Shenandoah, A Nemo sticker pack for Shenan, a fan for Shenan, and a Nemo card for Armelle.
Inside Shenan's card translated: "Dear Shenan, I love you! Can't wait! I'm looking forward to seeing you!" (But spelled quite differently! Leia Rose said, "It's easy to read what I write because I sound everything out!")
Here is Armelle's card. I love how Leia Rose spelled Armelle "RMEL." Ha! Just like it sounds!
"My Book of the Shenandoah Robot" (Leia says, "It's a book about how to make a Shenandoah Robot.") This is an absolutely precious book made so thoughtfully and with such care! Leia truly loves Shenandoah, and has such a special bond with her both from the longevity of their friendship and their love of Star Wars. ("I put little arrows showing where things go, and I made the new things red on each page.")
1. THE PiC TAS. Translated: "1. The Pig Tails."
The body.
The head.
The eyes with eyelashes.
The smile.
The legs and feet.
The arms and hands.
And Leia's favorite picture from the book: Darth Vader and Leia Rose.
Here is Leia Rose feeling sad while looking at this picture. It's a picture of the baby birds that Oma found in the Umbrella tree outside her house. Leia is sad because Oma and Papa haven't been able to sell their house.
"A happy deer in happy deer land."
Darth Vader, C3-P0, and R2-D2 announcing "I'm looking forward to seeing you!"
Leia's garden fence.
Leia's birds.
"Bi LEiA ROSE THiS BOOC iS" or "This book is by Leia Rose." Are you SURE you haven't experienced Yoda yet, Leia? Because sometimes you sure WRITE like him! ; )
This little book was so sweet, with each page containing a color written out in dotted lines. Leia Rose then traced the word in the appropriate color.
"This is my May basket for Mayday. Take a picture of the flowers inside!"
The grid for writing numbers. "Hmmmm, it looks like I still need to practice number '8.'" More importantly, Leia Rose also made a grid of her own to help Annie learn the numbers. : )

There must have been 200 "stamps" in here: just little squares cut with those cool edge scissors. She worked long and hard on these!
Leia Rose's Star Wars book. or "Sto Wos" ; )
Whoa! Too hard for me to read this one, but part of it says, "Luke (Looc) lived on the planet of sand."
Check out the first word: "sepetreo" translated "C3-P0" and "rtoo" translated R2. Wow.
Leia made a table!
Her "baby blanket."
"A cheetah."
Leia's pets. She was NOT happy that Mrs. Schnell put these in her portfolio, . . . so we just took them out and they went right into her little paper pet "store" she made. Included are a frog, a baby bird, a fish, a mamma turtle, a mamma bird, and a baby turtle.
I just love how the zebra has eyelashes. : )
"This is my bed." (Yet another installment in lots of items that end up making a life-size house, along with the table and the door.)
A toucan costume! Oh WOW! (This was a REAL project. I remember Mrs. Schnell asked me to pull under the overhang during the rain because Leia was terrified this would get wet.)
Two recycling signs for two years of preschool. : ) Yes, we have both hanging right above our recycling bin! : )
"Three happy ponies in a barn." This is one of my favorite pictures, and it was the one hanging in their bathroom for the longest time, . . . the one Mrs. Schnell brought me over to and said, "Do you see that all of Leia Rose's pictures have happy smiling faces? That shows she is a very happy child!"
"My firebug that shoots fire out of its tail."
"My quilt."
"A picture with a frame. This is the only picture in the whole school that has a frame!"
Another one of my favorite, truly Leia Rose pictures: Light Saber Flowers. : )
Leia's "puffy globe" that now hangs by her sand continent map from last year.

"A witch and a ghost saying 'boo.'" But, Leia, Halloween is in OCTOBER! ; )

Just a couple of pages from her "careful cutting" books (this one is "Book of Polygons"). I have to say, Leia Rose HATED this work. She had to do it every day after lunch, and there were a few days where she admitted faking sickness so she didn't have to do it.

Look at this one: "right angle scalene"!!! Wow!

I just love this little self portrait at the end, though! : )
The birds nest Leia Rose brought in for the discovery table (this is after an animal stole the eggs from it).
"No, Mamma! It's not R2-D2! It's a rocket!!!"
"Ants in the grass, . . . and a black widow spider."
"My door to my house."


Karin said...

Wow - I just saw this post!!

Too funny about "RMEL"! :) That reminds me... I have always thought it was cute that Aria Mai really sounds like REMA (if you say the letter names together quickly). :)

Karin said...

We had may baskets in our wedding!!! :)