Saturday, May 10, 2008

Wilson's Chuck E Cheese Party

I just love this picture, . . . taken in the elevated play area of Chuck E Cheese! We've got Greta & Leia in the front and Daphne & Jessica in the back, . . . all of them having lots of fun and in sensory overload! But let's begin at the beginning . . .

Here's the birthday girl, Wilson Furr, eating her Chuck E Cheese pizza. It was funny to see her cower in her mom's arms as "Happy Birthday" was sung, . . . It made me think of Leia's funny reaction at her own birthday.
And check out this AMAZING cake that Wilson's grandmother made! And I'll tell you, . . . the cake itself was SO much better than a mix!
Everyone watching and waiting for the animatronic show. Not sure who the first girl is, but here is Greta, Leia, Jessica, & Jesse.
Is this a Leia Rose picture, or WHAT!?! ; )
Annie was fascinated by the animatronic figures. She LOVED them, and would stand there with Daddy watching them the whole time if we let her. Ironically, Declan looked quite a bit afraid. : )
"Ride! Ride!!!" A bikeride inside? Annie was in heaven! (And this particular bikeride floats up in the air as you pedal! I had to help with that part, though.) ; )
And even though she's a bit old for this one, Leia Rose can never resist riding Clifford, the Big Red Dog.

Yep, they still have ski ball. : )
Annie's absolute favorite ride here was the Wheels on the Bus ride. She even did her little face and shoulder dance. Notice how the second picture has her shoulders the opposite way. : )

But funny that THIS was the face on the silly clock ride, where she went up into the air in a circle (following the hands of the clock).

I'm just so glad that I got this particular picture because it really shows the girls playing/watching their favorite Chuck E Cheese game: the bumble bee game! It's this game where there are about 50 ping pong balls painted like bees that "buzz" around. Your job is to catch them in this little cup and put them into the honey pot. ; )
And every parent's favorite Chuck E Cheese "game" is the Sketch Pad that features the artist Chuck E Cheese "sketching" you in his sketch pad. It's always a great memento. Can you tell who was more excited about it in this picture?!? Ha! But look at this one:


Karin said...

How fun! The 1st picture is awesome! ha! :)

Uh, they have a CLIFFORD at the Durham Chuck-E-Cheese??????? Oh my goodness!!! Kevin has loved Clifford for the past 2 years & I never knew they had him there!!! :) Maybe we should meet there sometime for a play date! :)

Sarah said...

I am crazy about that last "sketch" photo of Leia and Jessica, what buddies!