Thursday, May 29, 2008

Teacher Brunch & Bump

Today we had invited both Mrs. Schnell and Mrs. McDowell over for a special Teacher Appreciation Brunch. (Did I forget to blog about our special fancy/personalized invites made by Leia? I think so.) And can you believe that it was in the FIFTIES when they arrived! I waited as long as I could, until it was 65, and then we ate on the porch. It was just so beautiful out, even though a bit chilly. And something tells me it's going to be the LAST chilly day. ; ) I made two breakfast casseroles, one with Italian sausage and one with Oma's mushroom recipe. They were delicious! And, of course, a blueberry cobbler (yep, strawberries are finally done) as well as fresh blueberries/bananas and yogurt. I even squeezed some fresh orange juice last night! Yum! Leia, Annie, and I have decided to make this a yearly thing after school ends. As long as Leia feels a need to say thank you and great excitement about showing that particular teacher our home. (Do you know how long it took to formulate that reason for Leia? Imagine the alternatives: As long as you like that teacher. Hmmm, that doesn't sound good. As long as that teacher did a good job teaching you. Hmmm, not good either.) Why do this? Well, for the same reason we give our Christmas gifts a few days before school lets out, . . . children seem to get lost in the shuffle if everyone gives on the same day. This way, we'll always be sure to allow Leia Rose her special moment with Teacher. ; )
And here was Leia's gift this year: Garden Stones that she made herself, each set saying "my montessori teacher's garden." A BIG project, but a really fun and personalized gift! : )
And, guess what, Leia Rose then snagged Mrs. Schnell and they disappeared into her room for HOURS playing with what we affectionately call "calico crit" which is her "Calico Critter House" and accouterments.
Here is the result: a house sit for a king critter, . . . including the microscopic soap & toilet paper roll holder! I can't tell you how important this time was for Leia Rose, . . . yes, Sarah comes over all the time, . . . but Mrs. Schnell! Oh, Leia Rose felt so important and special!!! ; )
And guess what Annie wanted to share with Mrs. McDowell while they were up there: "shakey egg" and, what else, "OUTSIDE"!

Okay, note to self: don't ever let Annie swing (or climb ladders) when she's really tired. Um, DUH, she's clumsy when walking when she's tired, why wouldn't she be clumsy swinging and ladder climbing? So, . . . Now for my unfortunate parenting failure of the day: Annie fell off the swing. At least it was going very low, and it really wasn't a big deal, it just scared her a minute . . . but still. Poor little Annie! She had NEVER done that before. Never even let go with one hand! And I had just gotten done talking about how adept she was at that! Hmmmm, not adept when she's tired. ; ) Wonder how long it'll take me to stop being worried now because, no, I'm not going to stop. The kid just got excited about "twisteroonies," for goodness sake. That's her favorite thing! Anyway, we were swinging for a long while, and then I swung the girls and twisted the swing like they love. La, la, la, we kept going. Then I just started swinging Annie regular again, really low, because I was talking and not concentrating. (Case in point: concentrate while swinging my child. When in a baby swing, I could get knocked. When on a big swing, she could fall off.) Well, Annie obviously wanted to turn around to see us, and she probably let go with one hand, and swish, she fell a couple of feet. She was fine, but I felt like (and was) a horrible parent at that point. Right in front of the teachers. *sigh* A perfect example of consequences of actions in regards to "mental safety vs. physical safety." Serves me right, but . . . poor Annie!!! : ( Okay, so no more tired swinging and talking at the same time! Bad Mamma!


Karin said...

Sounds like a special time :)

My mom did that until one teacher said she couldn't come because it wasn't fair to the other kids. Actually, perhaps she just did it in 1st grade -- then it was the 2nd grade teacher who said that, and that was the end of it.

Anonymous said...

Leia you look BEAUTIFUL! Your makeup and costume and your performance was terrific! - and you sure have a lot of fans! yep - you definately are our SHINING STAR! - a BALLET star today! Well done! I love you - Love Oma