Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

The girls spent their memorial day in the little pool for the first time this year! And, as always, Annie was the happiest splishing and splashing around in the water, . . . and I was reminded more than ever of the possible effects of having Annie through water birth.
And Heidi came over to play, too! I have to say that Leia Rose and Heidi always play so well together! They're great friends!
And there was only one way to get Annie ready for a nap: strip her down! And she did such a good job trying on Leia Rose's goggles. : )
Then we got out Miss Laurie's little slide and the fun was complete!
But we really began our Memorial Day last night at a cookout at the Anderson's house. Leia Rose had a fabulous "creekside adventure" where she did lots of hiking in the woods with friends, but Mamma wasn't feeling well enough to go along (I have a bad cold), so I stayed with Annie who fell in love with Sushi, the kitty. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

So sorry to hear you've still been sick!!