Friday, May 16, 2008

Monkey Bars

Through all of Annie's mayhem, I really wanted to record the milestone of Leia Rose being able to make it all the way across the monkey bars. She's been practicing this for a while. : ) I also want to mention how very wonderful Leia Rose was during this whole trip to the playground. She knows just how to act when Mamma (and Annie) get agitated. She is very much the ESTJ, "I'll just wait a minute, and then everything will be okay" kind of girl. ; )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! LEIA! You are TERRIFIC! on the monkey bars! I can't believe you can go the whole way across! practicing that will help your swimming too. I bet your arm muscles got stronger from climbing trees. Was that the park we ate lunch at where all the roses were? I love you - OMA