Monday, May 12, 2008

Strawberry Preserves +

All day (from 10 AM on) was spent at Miss Laurie's making strawberry preserves together. We have now perfected a system! (Hopefully we'll be doing it this way every year!) It went wonderfully, . . . it just took a bit longer than I expected because I had cut enough berries for FOUR full batches (that's 32 cups)!
During part of the day, Annie watched her very favorite Baby Einstein video: Baby MacDonald. And Trevor and Logan were spellbound as well. : )
And I wish I could say Annie was this happy when I tried to put her down for a nap at Miss Laurie's. She wasn't. In fact, she didn't take one until we got home a lot later.
And at about four in the afternoon, Mamma realized that she was supposed to have Heidi over for a playdate AND bring the Andersons dinner (celebrating baby Greta). Somehow, I got it all done! Whew! And, meanwhile, Heidi and Leia made connecting castles. ; )

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